Force 301 redirect to https:// and www. with .htaccess

Here’s how to 301 redirect all traffic to https://www. Add the following to your .htaccess file
Here’s how to 301 redirect all traffic to https://www. Add the following to your .htaccess file
Let me begin by saying I’m not okay with coronavirus killing over a quarter of a million people, breaking up families, disrupting children’s education and imprisoning the innocent & vulnerable. None of that’s cool. However, having been in lockdown for like 8 weeks, there are a bunch of ways the UK has changed that I […]
Hey, look, I wrote my first ever piece of public code. I had to dig out the details of my old codepen account, delete EVERYTHING in it and start again. Here’s a cool little pure CSS, accessible input style for your forms.
After 12 years, this site has had a much needed upgrade and I’m wishing a fond farewell to the awesome old website it’s replacing. Re-designing and developing this site has been so low on my todo list because I love that old website more than my dog. (THAT’S NOT TRUE BUDDY, I’M SORRY, I LOVE […]